Community/Region Profile
Product Profile
ReadyMix Concrete Y
Amount Per:
1 m3 of 10,000 psi concrete at 28 days
Global Warming Potential (kg CO2 eq) 445
Emitted    460
Sequestered    -15
Ozone Depletion (kg CFC 11 eq) 0.000
Acidification (kg SO2 eq) 2.96
Eutrophication (kg N eq) 0.09
Smog Formation (kg O3 eq) 0.61
Primary Energy Demand (Mj) 3017
Non-renewable    3000
Renewable    17
Individual Footprint
Individual Z
Monthly Commute (miles) 210
Figure 1. Entity Impact Labels

Also see heatmap mosaic for indicators - IO widgets

Impact Profiles

For Communities, Companies, Products and Individuals

Entity impact profiles can be summarized similar to nutritional labels. (Figure 1)

Profile Templates
1. Community
2. Company/Organization
3. Product - Concrete Additive sample -- View in parser: YAML/JSON to HTML
4. Service/Event - 911 Emergency Response
5. Individual Footprint