The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Code for America are pleased to announce the launch of tools for local communities interested in identifying areas for economic growth using 22 environmental sustainability indicators, including job growth, value-added, air quality, climate impact, energy, water, and land use across 389 industry sectors.
The Sustainable Communities Web Challenge culminates on October 2, 2021 with $10,000 in awards using new embeddable, open-source web applications.
Also supported by the Georgia Center of Innovation for Energy Technology, the challenge is open to community representatives, coders and designers who will compete in helping to shape and deploy the new tools with local, regional and national themes.
During the event, community app portals are being developed using new mapping and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools to explore environmental and economic outcomes resulting from changes to levels of goods and services in the pursuit of innovative sustainable material management.
Join in our upcoming work sessions for an overview of the web challenge and to start working on your community app entry.
Register Online:
Virtual Location: Zoom Meetups and Slack
The project's community tools expand on development by Georgia Tech Smart Community Corps (SCC) students who worked with EPA Southeast Region #4 and the Georgia Center of Innovation for Energy Technology during the summer of 2020 during which visualization tools were added to the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model of industries, households and the environment.The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) model of goods and services was created by the EPA in support of Sustainable Materials Management. The model is in use by experts in industry, academia (24+ U.S. universities), the nonprofit sector, and other federal agencies. In 2019, the Georgia Center of Innovation for Energy Technology began partnering with the EPA Region 4 to develop the country’s first state version of the national USEEIO model, which now provides the Application Programming Interface (API) for the current Web Challenge. Additional states will use the new online tools and widgets in the year ahead.
To get involved with this opportunity, please register online at